Adriano "Madhog" Bordoni is a film and TV critic, an animation historian and a film festival curator (#ASFF). He also dabbles in video editing, podcasting, gaming and general complaining.
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
I Played Every "BioShock" Game in One Month, And I Must Scream!
On January 2nd 2023, I made the sporadic, partially ill-begotten decision to buy all three BioShock videogames. Up to that point, I had never experienced these titles directly save only through cultural osmosis, the occasional meme and, naturally, The Discourse!
I would spend the following lunar cycle playing them, writing down my thoughts and posting them on Twitter dot com. Today, after enough time passed for my heightened feelings to reset, I have collected those floating brain bubbles and transliterated them into some manner of structured essay for your reading pleasure - or utter lack thereof.
Did I have anything meaningful to add to the conversation on one of the most dissected and dissertated franchises in the history of the art form? You may be the judge of that.
It begins.
Part One: Atlas Drowned
BioShock. The first BioShock. BioShock the First. “Spiritual” successor to System Shock 2, Bioshock. Yes, that BioShock.
This is most certainly not a title that requires any sort of elaborate introduction. Since 2007, there have been many videos, articles, essays, podcasts, and everything in-between, dedicated to its analysis. For better and (decisively) for worse, the concept of Videogame Discourse was birthed from the metaphorical wreckage of this opus smashing itself onto the collective consciousness. I may be indulging in prosaic hyperbole here but the point still stands: it was, and still is, a big deal.
You have probably heard it all before: the game is about the Folly of “Free-Market” Capitalism as it drives Society to ruin, the inadequacy of the wealthy to lead, a satirical takedown of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism as it unceremoniously flops when confronted with the reality of basic human nature and needs. It’s about America, in other words.
It gleefully revels in its political stance with the subtlety of a clown-faced vending machine yelling: “Welcome to the Circus of Value!” It might as well be using a copy of Atlas Shrugged to wipe its anus, at this point. That is all to say, first impressions were quite positive and I was enjoying it a lot.
The underwater city of Rapture is a poignantly depressing location: everything from its very name to its opulent Art Deco architecture screams of egomaniacal pretention. It is a monument to its founder’s hubris turned into a decadent, decaying tomb for his ambition.
It perfectly conveys all you need to know about Andrew Ryan, the founder of Rapture and initial antagonist. He is a rich twat who hated having to pay taxes so he created his own version of a Libertarian Blockchain disguised as a country where there would be “No Gods or Kings. Only Man.” He then proceeded to make himself the god-king of his utopia; it crashed and burned along with everyone in it.
“Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?” he said, indeed.
Rapture is a wonderfully designed world, in that sense. The only elements that clash with the contextual aesthetic would be the aforementioned “Circus of Value” marketplaces. Let me explain.
Andrew Ryan, like all demagogues, takes himself super seriously. His entire platform was built on the premise that he’s a charismatic genius and everything he says is Gospel. His whole civilization was constructed on the terrible ideas he convinced both himself and many others were actually good. Seriousness, self-importance and overcompensated grandiosity were the building blocks of Rapture, the roots of its aesthetic, the basis by which this society could function - until it wouldn’t anymore. As such, the presence of those vending machines, openly mocking the very foundation of Uncle Andy’s Ryanworld, feel out of place within the narrative and universe at hand. They have been clearly put there so that the developers could do a little meta-humour, a wink and a nudge at the player, to redundantly point out how absurd it all was. They must have been worried the game was too subtle and some players would not get it… Anyway, this was but a minor complaint. By all means, take it with a grain of salt.
Now, I have some legitimate criticism to bring forth.
Whilst a lot of the conversation has been directed at Brow Sweat Man, his God complex, his insane ambition, his “Chain of Industries” ideology and “Laissez-Faire” economics, not nearly enough analysis was ever dedicated to the other major antagonist of the game, and I can definitely gather why. I will now openly address spoilers for the latter half of the story by discussing the character of Frank Fontaine (aka ATLAS), the de-facto main villain of the piece.
Fontaine is a grifter who played a long con at the expense of the “Kingdom of Reason.” He started a smuggling ring that introduced gun violence and religious bigotry to the city, used the malcontent of the exploited working class to start a bloody rebellion, manipulated and killed people behind the scene through various aliases. His corporation is the one responsible for mass producing all the Big Daddies and Little Sisters, the iconic “monsters” of the series running around town. They are a product of Eugenics science based off Nazi Germany’s human experiments. I should stress that Ryan approved all this as the city needed exploitable labour in order to run.
The reason behind Frank’s actions is simple: money, profit, cold hard cash. Andrew Ryan was a wealthy fool hooked on his delusional Capitalist drivel, his “daring vision” for the future of mankind, Fontaine was the reality check.
The thematic exclamation point to the game’s entire thesis, the depressing yet irrefutable truth behind all the cruelty and horrors caused in the name of IDEAS is good old fashioned Greed. Someone in a position of power will always be there to make a buck out of human suffering.
To be perfectly honest, I find this throughline rather pedestrian. It is the truth of Capitalism, yes, but it is such an obvious statement delivered with such un-earned gusto that it makes the entire game less interesting as a result. Here we have a compellingly detestable villain in Uncle Andy, the “good guy” of his story, a living byproduct of American Exceptionalism, Ayn Rand’s poster boy, a poignant satire of the current socioeconomic establishment, being replaced by a basic money-grabbing baddie.
What made Ryan so effective is how real he felt: he represented the warped worldview of the out-of-touch, obscenely rich class that rules the planet and that’s going to eventually lead us to our demise - much like in Rapture itself. Fontaine, by contrast, is a mustache-twirling cartoon. He acts and talks like a typical videogame villain who doesn’t have anything meaningful to say to you other than how smart he is, how he loves money and how he’s totally going to get away with it (insert evil laugh here) while sporting the worst accent I have ever heard in my life. His point as a character is moot and the writing is messier as a result.
Still, BioShock is a good game, perhaps not as masterfully crafted as many believed it to be, but rather innovative for the time. There is a clever (for 2007) twist right before Fontaine takes over as the final boss in which it is revealed the player’s character was being mind controlled the whole time. It’s a cute meta-commentary on the unique nature of our interaction with videogames.
Had I played BioShock when it first came out, I would have probably placed it atop a golden pedestal, sung its praises as the best written story in the history of the medium and angrily rejected any criticism towards it in the most obnoxious way imaginable… I think I was trying to make a point but my brain gave up half way through the tangent. As such, I shall conclude this tirade by saying I enjoyed playing this classic title but I have no interest in going through it a second time. Is that fair? Yes, it is.
Part Two: Tetsuo The Drill Man
I moved on to Bioshock 2: The BioShockening, a game that didn’t need to exist, in many ways. On one hand, it drags the theming of the first game to unnecessary levels of dilution as its message had already been abundantly delivered. On the other hand, you play as a Big Daddy with a Big Drill.
There is a new ruler in Rapture, her name is Dr. Sofia Lamb. She took over after the fall of Andrew Ryan’s “Individualist Utopia” by indoctrinating its inhabitants into a cult that’s equal parts Early Christian commune and Eugenics with an extra dose of fanaticism. Much like with Frank Fontaine, we have a case study as to how an unregulated, isolationist, capitalist state lays the foundations for stochastic terrorism and sociopathic grift - just in case it wasn’t already obvious that Rapture is supposed to represent America. I say that but, to be brutally honest, Dr. Lamb’s politics or set of beliefs are as undercooked and generically laid out as they can get. I had to interpret and extrapolate what her deal was through context clues more than anything else. It wouldn’t surprise me if the game’s intent was to comment on Communism instead of everything else I pointed out, which would somewhat invalidate its previous stance on Capitalism and would further bring into question the overall political stance behind the BioShock series… but let us put a pin on that thought, for now.
As far as the gameplay is concerned, I believe this is a slightly better, more refined, more challenging loop than its previous iteration. These titles are both solid First-Person Shooters with light RPG elements but the second one improves upon its many shortcomings.
The ability to hold both weapons and “magical gene powers” at the same time is such a simple yet elegant mechanic that it (bio)shocks me it wasn’t implemented earlier. The hacking mini-games have been simplified to the point of fruitlessness - and I’m fine with that.
The big change comes with the Big Daddy himself and his huge, oversized, dominating drill that penetrates all its victims at full force, making them scream. It singlehandedly redeems melee attack as a worthwhile feature. Did I mention it’s a huge drill?
Beyond that, there isn’t much to add to The Discourse. To reiterate, BioShock 2 is a thoroughly pointless sequel and it barely qualifies as one. It’s a glorified expansion pack that adds nothing of substance to the narrative, lazily resting on the laurels planted by its predecessor.
It’s a more polished and fun title to play, undoubtedly, but it’s otherwise easy to see why it is considered the forgettable middle child stuck between an era-defining first outing and whatever Infinite turned out to be. Speaking of which, it’s time to get into that one.
Part Three: Infinite Mysery
WARNING: the following few paragraphs represent my initial impressions on the game, left mostly unaltered as I experienced it for the first timeback in January 2023.
So, Infinite, BioShock numero tres but technically a prequel set in 1912, the flying city of Columbia, and all of that. All I knew about this game beforehand was that its engine was used to revolutionize 3D pornography for years to come… Do not ask how or why I know that.
Our “Andrew Ryan” for this episode is played by Father Comstock (oh, brother), an evangelical, white supremacist prophet who gathered his “flock” to live in a conferedate utopia closer to the “Kingdom of Heaven” and far above the “Sodom Below.”
I used to think the first game was unsubtle and heavy-handed with its commentary, impassioned in its righteous indignation if a bit simplistic by the end, but this game takes that sharp edge and slashes the US flag with it, literally!
This game appears to have things to say about American myth-making, the religious zealotry fueling the glorification (and alteration) of history as a means for Power, The White Man’s Burden and the dangerously real threat of Christian Nationalism.
It seems to condemn it all with the fervor that bespeaks decapitating a cop with a portable blender - which Infinite is all too eager to provide. What makes the experience truly effective is the setting itself: a far cry from the claustrophobic doom of Rapture. The misery of that place served as a remainder that Capitalism is unsustainable and leads society to ruin. That’s an obvious statement by this point and, as such, it left me lukewarm on the experience. All it did was reinforcing my beliefs.
Columbia, however, is a different beast. It is not the sunken tombstone to the hubris of a rich fool, it is the realm of the “Chosen Race” thriving under the watchful gaze of the deified Founding Fathers. It’s a thriving, gorgeous vision right out of Jules Verne’s mind, and it runs on the back of slaves.
That’s what makes it truly horrifying and infuriating. The fact that it works, that its ruler managed to build a community for “good white Christians” thanks to the power of religious indoctrination and the exploited labour of the “lower races” that keeps it afloat. It is unsettling, bone-rattling, how inviting the city looks at a first glance, its Victorian architecture bathing in the sun as a barber shop quartet entertains curious onlookers. It’s a grotesque dream of Dixieland as filtered through Gone with the Wind lenses.
As such, getting to disrupt the perfect little order of this bigoted, racist 19th century style town through acts of wanton violence is INFINITEly more cathartic than killing random junkies in an already disrupted, dead society. Sticking it to an unjust hierarchy by murdering cops and destroying property elevates the enjoyment of playing this title tenfold. It’s exactly what was missing from my ideal BioShock experience. It’s simply more compelling to defeat that which is yet to be even challenged.
Another major element in the game’s favour is a main character with actual agency, as opposed to a silent protagonist whose whole deal was his tragic lack of agency. It’s much easier to be invested in the narrative when my guy has a literal say in the matter.
I sure hope the game does not somehow ruin everything in the second half. That would be so disappointing…
WARNING: the following are my real, unfiltered opinions on BioShock Infinite.
Do you know what is the most egregious, baffling, aggravating turn a narrative like this could have made after all it’s done, after putting out such an inflammatory takedown of the American conservative institutions? Why, Bothsidesing, of course!
According to this game’s oh so wise writing, when those rebelling against their literal slavers do it by employing Direct Action instead of “the right, non-violent way” then they’re just as bad as them. That is how Infinite chooses to frame the Anarcho-Socialist revolution of one Daisy Fitzroy (the only named black character) as she’s compared to Father Comstock (the racist theocrat) with the all too familiar adagio of “Both sides are in the wrong.”
I am seething with rage.
This game went out of its way to pontificate against America’s history of bigotry and racism up to including actual horrendous ethnic caricatures to drive its point home. Then it cowardly decided to throw it all away by taking the “Enlightened Centrist” stance. Essentially, the people in charge of the project have demonstrated to me their unwillingness to commit to a difficult subject as soon as it came to addressing the Real American history, opting thusly to an implicit endorsement of the Neoliberal Status Quo. The message now reads: “Slavery was bad but the slaves should not rebel against it! They should debate the slavers in the Market Place of Ideas!” You could take such a blanket statement and apply it to every sociopolitical scenario where there is a clear Oppressor with a clear Oppressed and expect it to be uttered by those who benefit from the Oppression.
I understand this title is more than a decade old but I will unendingly rag on the plate of unfulfilled potential due to cop-out writing.
In fact, this whole situation has forced me to reevaluate my thoughts on the first title, as well! All of a sudden, the dichotomy between Andrew Ryan and Frank Fountain (the latter pretending to be on the side of the working class with a “clever” pseudonym) starts to feel like a less immediately obvious form of political bothsidesing. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the game was cherry-picking its themes as if they were somehow divorced from the larger critique on the Establishment. Implying, in other words, that concepts like the “The Invisible Hand”, Objectivism and Manifest Destiny could be extricated from the very fabric of American Society when the inconvenient truth is that they are as much a part of it as Racism, Slavery and Genocide.
I am not necessarily changing my opinion on that first iteration, mind you, but I do find myself dubious over my initial read given how the series ultimately panned out, with all the poise of a bald eagle covered in blood-soaked feces!
It has just occurred to me, as I was writing this down, that Infinite is basically a remake of the first BioShock but dumber in every conceivable way. More over, BioShock 2’s main antagonist, Sofia Lamb, was presented as the total opposite to Andrew Ryan (but just as bad) which reinforces the aforementioned Centrist stance the series now appears to champion while serving as a prelude to what would become the profoundly stupid thesis of the third one! It is astounding just how bad Infinite is turning out to be: horrible in a manner that makes me retroactively question my own ability to understand media literacy.
This, dear readers, would be the time when I start screaming.
That said, it’s not even the worst part. No, the most offensive aspect about any of this is that None of it actually matters, by the end.
WARNING: That Ending.
It turns out Father Comstock and your main character are the same person but from a different timeline when an Important Choice was made because of Guilt which led to becoming a Reborn Christian and the foundation of Columbia. You had a daughter which was taken from you by your evil doppelganger from another dimension and you were left trapped in a pocket world of some kind and then the rest of the game happens. Something, something, Regret. Something, something, commentary on Player Agency. Something, something, you must stop existing in the past in order to erase all the bad timelines, Sonic ‘06 style. By the way, there are timey-wimey bollocks, in case it wasn’t clear.
This is garbage and I do not care for it.
To see what this game was actually about, all along, further undermines whatever “political position” was presented to me throughout the diegesis. Depictions of oppression, racism and human suffering very much rooted in actual history were used as a mere thematic red herring. Meaning that there never was any real commentary, it was a “distraction” from the true narrative.
Let this thought consume you for a spell. The game will have you slaughter fascist cops as well as recently liberated black men in the same gruesome, sadistic fashion while framing both groups as “equally bad”, only to then pull the rug from under you and tell you it was all window dressing for the Real Story, which was about our (white) protagonist being tormented by his bad life decisions.
I am beyond done.
The best I can say about the third and final chapter of the thoroughly tainted BioShocksaga is that its contentious presence can be applied to a broader discussion about the nature of Art, namely if or when certain lines should be crossed, for what purpose should they be crossed and, especially, bywhom.Infinitewas built on the foundation of bad ideas and irredeemable execution. It presented a vapid vision of political radicalism from the obvious perspective of White Privilege and managed, bewilderingly, to not have anything to say about said politics, at all! It’s the kind of idiocy that should have been nipped at the bud before wreaking untold damage - much like the main character himself. Nevertheless, it is a real piece of media that exists, a piece of gaming history and, like all history, we can learn something from it…
Never Again! That would be the lesson to learn here.
Part 4: Something, Something, A Conclusion
As I am about to put this series inside the proverbialTomb of Amontillado, I suppose this would be the right time to enlist my many gameplay pet peeves, my general pedantries, starting with the hacking mini-games: annoying in the first game, pointless in the second. In general, dealing with turrets, cameras and security robots was an unpleasant experience throughout the trilogy.
In the first two entries, some wise guy had the “great idea” of mapping the jump input to the upper button of the controller. I positively loathed that. They finally fixed it in the third game, just in time for it to stain the bed with several more horrible decisions! Why can’t I hold more than two weapons at once in my inventory? That is such a backward step compared to the rest of the series!
Infinite must have also been one of the first AAA games to implement the hideous, horrendous, hackneyed sprint feature that would have you press on the left analog stick while the character is moving. Why was this ever considered an acceptable design choice?
I guess there were a few DLC. They sure exist.
… And with that underwhelming post scriptum, I shall now set my sights elsewhere - away from “Great Chains” and “Kingdoms of Heaven.” New games await but we will always have the memories.
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