Thursday, 4 April 2019

Hetalia Axis Powers: An Italian Perspective

This rant in the guise of a review was originally written all the way back in 2012, on a dare. Some minor aspects of it have been modified ever so slightly to reflect my current feelings for this series.

Humour is a thoroughly subjective matter. Its functionality depends on several factors such as personal tastes, current mood, specific settings, styles, pay-offs and the charismatic endeavour of its igniting devices - which is to say, the comedians and/or props involved. There are shows, animated series to be exact, out there that are usually considered funny and entertaining by a general audience (like the first season of “Adventure Time!”, to give you a random example) but that, quite frankly, don’t really appeal to my tastes, mostly because they try too hard to be nonsensical and weird for the sake of being nonsensical and weird or maybe just because something about the main characters’ behavior annoys me to death.